Enterprise Cloud, Web3 & Artificial Intelligence Software Platforms

We are building the future by leveraging the usage of its most powerful technology stacks.

Here, We Offer A Suite of Tech Platforms

Our goal is accommodate the needs of the industry by offering commercial ready solutions that can be utilised for a variety of use cases eg. Banking, Telco, Government etc.


Our founders had a vision to build technology solutions that the market can demo, test, pilot and deploy in a cost-effective manner.

We began this in 2023 when we released our flagship solution, Verifiable Contract.

Since then, the Verifiable Contract platform has gotten use cases within the market and that has opened doors for other software solutions to be built and offered.


Verifiable Contract

A cutting edge cloud based, AI powered contract life cycle management system that will revolutionize the way you manage contracts. With Verifiable Contract, you can acquire complete contract visibility, optimize efficiency, publish powerful contracts quickly, and improve business performance. Features include:

  • Platform Admin Authorisations
  • Work Flow, Template & Content Creations
  • Vendor Authentications
  • Workflow & Task Assignments to Entities
  • Contract Review, Approval and Signing
  • Contract Database Search
  • And So Much More

Artificial Intelligence Tools For Enterprise Data Optimization

Our Generative AI tools can be adopted to enhance your performance within your industry by offering features that will allow you to gain the best insights from and execute upon your enterprise data. Features include:

  • AI assesses data with pinpoint accuracy.
  • Variety of data sets for clients, stakeholders, employees.
  • Perform a variety of calculations from data.
  • Process offers, notices and reports.
  • And So Much More.

Client Story

Zetfly is a carrier billing company and is responsible for making contracts with different telecommunications companies regarding payments, billing rates and payment periods – given that their contracts contain information about payments and service level agreements. To improve service level agreement management, contract negotiations and availability, they are adopting our Verifiable Contract platform to store, manage and access these contracts with ease and efficiency.

Client Story

Zetfly is a carrier billing company and is responsible for making contracts with different telecommunications companies regarding payments, billing rates and payment periods – given that their contracts contain information about payments and service level agreements. To improve service level agreement management, contract negotiations and availability, they are adopting our Verifiable Contract platform to store, manage and access these contracts with ease and efficiency.


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    Verifiable Contract: The Software To Optimize Your Bank’s Operations.

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      AI For Hyper-Personalization In Banking.

      Knowledge Base

      Generative AI in Contract Life Cycle Management: A Quick Digest for Its Utility №1

      Given that artificial intelligence has shown its value proposition within use cases across various industries, its adoption within contracting is bound to show some merit. Now with this statement being made, it is only fair for us to explain…..

      Generative AI In Banking: A Friendly Horse & Not A Rogue Bully

      Okay. AI will not take over the world. Maybe, maybe not. Who knows. But can it take over a bank? Hmmmmmmm, now there’s something that we can assess. Within a previous article, we explored how banks will evolve themselves into FTIs or Financial …..

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